Wildfire Watchdog

WASP Rain Gutter Roof Sprinklers
WASP Wildfire Sprinkler Kit $199
Roof Saver Sprinklers $239
Sprinkler Roof Wildfire Sprinklers $49
Iron Owl Rooftop Spriklers $160
Hurricane Rooftop Sprinkler $289
Easy Rooftop Installation
Off-Grid Backup Pumps and Water



davey firefighting pump wildfire prevention water  gas powered
Remote Automatic Start Pumps


Popular Items

Remote Start Off-Grid Pumps

Wildfire Sprinklers for Roof and Landscape

Certified Foam Fire Retardent Water Mix to Spray House

Liscensed and Bonded Irrigation Specialist

SMS Cell, Satellite, Wifi, Worldwide Coverage


Remote Automatic Draining and Filling of Water Tanks


Custom, Dashboard and App Our Team Developed


Plannning and Installation From Start to Finish


Certified Wildland Firefighter


Community involvement with the USFS, 911 dispatch, local fire departments, Firewise, and neighbors


Lorawan Wireless RF Communication


About Us

We are dedicated to make sure that you are confident that your house will make it through the next wildfire that comes your way. We cannot think in terms of if, but when. We are the only company who can offer you the remote start feature of a gas powered water pump and the capability to turn it on and off as well as monitor the valves, state of the pump, water pressure, flow and volume. Our automated system is made for on or off-grid use. Many redundant measures are taken to ensure that your house is not taken by a wildfire. Custom installations tailored for your exact recommendations and goals.

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Emergency Help


If you have a question about our products and it is an emergency please call us immediately, anytime.

Opening Hours

Call, Text or Email

Monday Through Friday

Open 8am – 5pm

Contact Us

(541) 419-3203

Located in Portland and Bend, Oregon